Many of you will know Ian Whybrow the famous children’s author and patron to ELoH, last year Ian visited the Pupils of Quainton Hall School to tell them more about ELoH and the work we do.

On Thursday 15th November 2018, Quainton Hall School chose to support ELoH by organising a Second Hand Book Sale. We are very proud to announce that the Pupils of Quainton Hall School helped to raise the total of sum of £145.76.  This lovely school has now raised nearly £1000.00 for ELoH since Ian visit last year!

We are excited to hear that Quainton Hall School will be continuing to help and work with ELoH in the New Year, by helping to sell ‘HOPE Calendars’ and by holding a ‘Big Breakfast’.

We wish to say ‘Thank You’ to Quainton Hall School your continuous hard work and support and we look forward to sharing each other’s stories in the near future!

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