Our work wouldn’t be possible without the energy and dedication of our volunteers. We are always keen to hear from volunteers who want to give us a hand with our work, either here in the UK, or abroad.
Help in the UK
We often need support for the organisation and planning of upcoming fundraising events. This might be anything from helping to sell tickets, to being an usher during a concert.
We are also keen to hear from any volunteers with expert fundraising experience – particularly regarding applications for trusts and foundations, and event organisation.
If either of these options are of interest to you, please get in touch with Victoria at victoria[at]elizabethslegacyofhope.org who will advise further.
Help abroad
From time to time, there may be opportunities to visit our work in the field and help out on the ground. If you are interested in arranging a volunteering experience with one of our partner organisations, please contact Victoria at victoria[at]elizabethslegacyofhope.org